CBD vs Copaiba oil for pain and discomfort


Copaiba is an important oil for me! I take a drop under my tongue morning and night to help ease pain, calm my nervous system and help me to sleep better. It has a bit of a funny taste like the smell of mulch but I don’t mind because the effects are profound. If you can’t stand the taste of it you can put it in a veggie capsule or rub it on your neck or feet with a little coconut oil. That works too!

You hear a lot about CBD oils today and the effects it can have on your nervous system. Copaiba oil is a powerful activator of the same system in our body – the endocannaboid system. Cannaboids affect pathways associated with healthy inflammatory response, overall body comfort, and cognitive function.

Copaiba works with the CB2 receptors in our body to support the health of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, immune, and respiratory systems just like CBD oil. However, CBD contains cannabinoids that connect to the CB1 receptors in the body. These receptor allows for the healing and wonderful health properties to enter the body, but it all comes at the expense of adverse psychological issues and addictions.

Copaiba is entirely safe and non-addictive. This essential oil contains no THC, so it won’t show up as a false positive on drug tests.

 Copaiba oil is sourced from a large tree native to Brazil.. Copaiba consists of sesquiterpene compounds. doTERRA is studying how these compounds work synergistically. The main constituent is Beta-caryophyllene, which is also present in Black Pepper essential oil. The oil contains powerful antioxidants that boost immune health. Copaiba oil is a well-loved oil because it relieves discomfort, calm emotions, soothe anxious feelings and promotes overall health, supporting people to feel and live their best.

The following information I copied from the Modern Essentials Aromatools blog post:

“Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis, C. reticulata, C. coriacea, C. langdorffii) essential oil is steam-distilled from oleoresin, a substance made up of resin and essential oils. It has a soft, sweet, balsamic odor.

Some properties of this oil include analgesic, powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, and stimulant for the circulatory and pulmonary systems.

The oleoresin has traditionally been used for inflammation (internal and external), skin disorders, respiratory problems (including bronchitis and sinusitis), and urinary tract problems (including cystitis and bladder/kidney infections). It has also been used for bleeding, gonorrhea, hemorrhages, herpes, incontinence, insect bites, pain, pleurisy, sore throats, stomach ulcers, syphilis, tetanus, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, and tumors.

Today, copaiba essential oil is commonly used for acne, antioxidant, anxiety, inflammation, muscle aches, and pain. Copaiba may also help with colds, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, edema, flatulence, flu, hemorrhoids, nervous exhaustion, piles, poor circulation, stiffness, and wounds.

The body systems affected by copaiba essential oil include the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems, muscles and bones, emotional balance, and skin.”

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