Myofascial Lines
What exactly are “Myofascial Lines”? Basically they are lines of connective tissue that run throughout the body that allow our body to move as a unit. Understanding these lines helps us in training but also in how to deal with areas that cause us pain and discomfort. Tight hamstrings and calves could cause lower back pain, or even something like Planter Fasciitis. Addressing the trigger points (spots that hurt but feel good) can loosen the mysfascial lines. Remember the area where you feel pain may not be the source of the pain. You need to do a little detective work. Here are 4 of my favorites that I work on regularly that help balance, ground me and give me relief.
Myofascial lines are integral in functional movement training, as well as coordination and stability. Understanding and training in this fashion allows the body to build endurance, body awareness, and save energy. It helps to improve multijoint stability and strength. It can also help us to understand pain within the body and structural weaknesses. Think of these lines as a kinetic chain. One “event” occurring in an area of this kinetic chain effects the others. By understanding this kinetic line of events, you can better understand injuries, movement limitations, and target weaker areas to increase performance.