Oh That Hurts! Don't touch it.
Often when someone experiences pain, the tendency is to not touch it because it hurts. If it is muscle pain, I take a different approach. Muscle pain is often caused by triggerpoints or knots in the muscle. These are areas in which the fibers are stuck and need to be released. Deep pressure sends the signal to the brain to release the muscle. When you release the muscle the pain subsides.
There are a number of tools that can be used to help release muscles.
My go to used to be a lacrosse ball or a Thera Cane such as these:
I find the TrigEssence ball more effective because they are light and easy to take with you anywhere you go. Slide it behind your back while you are driving. Slip it under your hamstring during a work meeting. Use it to place deep pressure on a knot and feel the muscle unwind.